Study Snackinโ€™

Study Snackinโ€™

Does all this studying about teeth, the body, and the brain make you want to fuel it? Here is a list of some great study snacks to keep you fired up. Nuts & Seeds Nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, and pistachios) and seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, and flax) are packed...
Test Anxiety

Test Anxiety

Your palms start to sweat, maybe you feel dizzy, your heart rate rises. Sympathetic response much? Anxiety is a very important feeling; it lets us know when we should be worried or scared, but it could stop you in your tracks on the big day. The good news is B&B...
Leave No Stone Unturned

Leave No Stone Unturned

The Exam! Exam day! INBDE! So many questions! So many things to remember! The good news is B&B dental offers the perfect opportunity to practice dealing with the stress of exam day. Here are a couple strategies to make sure the day goes smoothly. Professional...
Are you a lone wolf or a social butterfly?

Are you a lone wolf or a social butterfly?

Social Butterflies โ€“ You love to be in a group and pay the best attention when you feel a collective drive. Intermittent relevant conversation keeps you on task and you do best with cooperative problem solving! Advantages: The other butterflies can show you different...
Inner Voice

Inner Voice

We all have an internal monologue during our day. Is yours healthy? Is it loud? Is it soft? Here are some examples of healthy swaps if you are feeling stressed. Thisโ€ฆ Notโ€ฆ I made a mistake on that question. Iโ€™m so dumb. I still donโ€™t understand that topic. I need to...
What is your Learning Style?

What is your Learning Style?

While there is no one size fits all this is the perfect time to reflect on the best way that you learn. Think back through high school and college โ€“ what classes were you strongest in? How did the teacher present the material? How did you study for those tests? There...